Wednesday, August 7, 2019

United arab emirates stand agaisnt ISIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

United arab emirates stand agaisnt ISIS - Essay Example The nation registered a strong condemnation for the terrorist acts and gross human rights violations committed by ISIS (Khaleej Times 1). This included a range of heinous crimes against humanity committed by ISIS like the beheading and killing of Western hostages, genocide of ethnic and religious minorities, violation of political and human rights by ISIS in the territories under its domain and its overall ideology of violence, intolerance and radicalization of Islam. In multiple official communiquà ©s made by the UAE, both to the regional and global media, the Emirate officially labelled and categorized ISIS to be a threat to humanity, a big challenge to regional peace and stability, and a cause of concern that warrants collective international action and commitment (Khaleej Times 1). The UAE also made proactive efforts to muster and influence the international community against the grave threat posed by ISIS, by sponsoring a range of regional meets and opinion making efforts. This included hosting International Centre of Excellence against Violent Extremism and organizing a â€Å"Muslim Council of Elders â€Å"comprising of reputed scholars from many Muslim nations, with the objective of combating the ideological sway commanded by ISIS in the region for the time (Khaleej Times 1). In addition, the UAE pledged an unconditional and committed support to the Western efforts to fight ISIS. UAE is amongst the group of Middle East nations including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and Jordan who are actively participating in the airstrikes against ISIS, led by the US and other Western powers (Khan 1). The UAE also expressed a strong support for the UN Security Council Resolution 2170 aimed at galvanizing international efforts against the war on ISIS (Khaleej Times 1). In addition the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is looking to it that

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