Sunday, July 28, 2019

Athens and Florence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Athens and Florence - Essay Example Freestanding sculpture became a popular culture amongst artists in Athens between 300 and 400 BCE. Political structures of renaissance Florence comprised of city-states wherein a more or fewer residents shared authority. This made politics slightly core complex for Italy considering the rest of Europe during this era had monarchial structures of government. City-states in Florence made oath-making and duties a world of civil conflicts amongst leaders. By 1425, Florence had a population of 60,000 with twelve artist guilds acting as a foundation for social life. These guilds controlled social influences within Florence through highly held positions. Lastly, culture in renaissance Florence depended largely on wealth. A trend for self-marketing by merchant guilds slowly turned into a cultural feature of Florence and its renaissance benefaction. Wealthy individuals reveled in personal adoration and spiritual prosperity that founded Florence’s culture during the 1400s. The most important similarity between Athens during its golden age and renaissance Florence is their introduction of democratic or representative types of administration, profound literature, and art into their respective regions. The most important difference between these two cities is that Athens serves a model for determining accomplishments made by western cities from the fifth to fourth centuries B.C.E. and Florence used wealth to identify its culture, government, and

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