Thursday, July 25, 2019

Religion and Theology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Religion and Theology - Essay Example Religion typically appeals to emotional values of a person as opposed to the intellectual values. Believers always tend to think that an emotional reason for believers is not worthy. A person may be identified according to his/her religion in many ways, such as the dressing codes, the speech of a person and their lifestyle. You can identify a person religion due to the way the person dresses, some religion are strict in the believer’s mode of dressing and therefore are against other types of dressing while others do not care about the dressing mode.the speech of a person can also make you to differentiate people according to their religion for instance Muslims usually include Muhammad in between their conversations while Christians include Jesus Christ, this can help one to differentiate between a Muslim and a Christian. The name of a person can suggest the religion of the respective person (Neusner, 304). For instance the Christians name their children according to the names in the bible. This are only but a few ways one can be identified in regard to the religion he/she belongs to. Despite the difference in religions and beliefs most people believe in on e true God. Muslim is one among the many religions. The Muslims believe in Muhammad as the messenger of God. They believe in Quran as the only revelation that is not changed with human influence. Though they agree that there are other revelation but they argue that the other revelation have been altered with time thus remaining with the Quran as the perfect one. The Muslims are tied up by various religious concepts and practices this includes fasting in various seasons such as the Ramadan and alms giving. During their fasting period they dedicate themselves in helping the poor and the needy, this is not usually considered as a charity work thus it is a religious requirement that must be respected by all Muslims. They usually take this as the best moment to be near to God and do his work. Their fasting always starts from dawn and ends at dusk at wich time they ought not to take anything even a drink, pregnant women and the sick people are usually exempted from the fasting because the y can not stay for long hours without food. They always pray five times in a day, the five pillars of worship has always been the concept of worship and they stick unto it. Their religion also insists that one must have a trip to Mecca once in a one’s lifetime, at the least. The rituals done during the trip to Mecca include having a walk seven times rounds the Kaaba, if possible one should make sure he/she touches the black stone, they usually run in between mount. Safa and mount marwa seven times continuous, in addition to the above rituals a Muslim is also supposed to symbolically stone the devil in mina. They not only assemble in the mosque for their prayers but also meet there to study different things in regard to life. Children classes are also held in the mosque, Muslims always believe that a child should be taught while still young. When going to the toilet the Muslims usually carries a jerican of water to wash themselves, they do this to maintain cleanliness unlike m any religions that their believers use the tissue papers. This seems so interesting but attending their worshipping service is more interesting though not easy if you are a non Muslim to be granted the permission. The Muslims worship every Friday at 1.00 pm, before starting their worshiping session the women are separated from the men. They always have strict rules regarding fornication and hence prevent the intermingling of men and women to the greatest extent possible. This is why they usually separates them during the worshipping session to

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