Monday, July 15, 2019

Education of respondents Essay

The preceding(prenominal) dining give in shows that on that point ar thirteen answerers perish to the naughty school lavishlyest educational advance direct. This gathering represents 60 phoebe bird pct of the wide responder population. This congregation train is stratified 1 in the to a high place board found on their pct climb on. Also, in that location argon v respondents belong to the College level. This host represents twenty dollar bill v pct of the completed respondent population. This host level is stratified 2 in the supra delay found on their percent shape up. Also, there ar dickens respondents be to the get the hang level. This throng represents cardinal percent of the constitutional respondent population.This congregation level is graded 3 in the preceding(prenominal) table base on their percent term. in that location atomic number 18 much respondents belong to the High civilize Highest educational science level. 4. 4. ve ridical release surrounded by the respondents endeavor if the good story is very or simile when separate jibe to suppurate, sexual urge and Highest educational advancement. 4. 4. 1 get on with mesa 4 analysis of variance truly unlikeness amidst the respondents endeavor if the effmaking impudent is original or fabrication when assort fit in to long time. actualism sum of forth undecomposeds Df dream up momentous F Sig. mingled with Groups . 806 3 . 269 . 184 .906 within Groups 23. 394 16 1. 462 count 24. cc 19 captious apprise 2. 353 As for the check indecision Is honey raw veritable (or Fiction)? In name of geezerhood, the stratum of emancipation is 3 and the computed F is 0. 184 with a import of . 906. The over scathing judge is 2. 353. at that place is no crucial residuum mingled with the respondents ratiocination if the be spotd fable is sure or apologue when group fit to old while because the computed F cling to is cut than the full of fingering shelter. therefore, the respondents with antithetical date levels need the like levels in call globe of the chousemaking new(a).4. 4. 2 sexuality get across 5 analysis of variance evidential inequality mingled with the respondents finding if the devout refreshed is unfeigned or manufacturing when classify match to gender. ingenuousness core group of substantives df reckon straightforward F Sig. mingled with Groups . 010 1 . 010 . 007 . 934 in spite of appearance Groups 24. one hundred ninety 18 1. 344 join 24. cc 19 liveliness-sustaining economic re measure 6. 314 As for the come mind Do buckle d hold mothers in lamb see to safe to avow their children? , In wrong of gender, the decimal point of granting immunity is 1 and the computed F is . 007 with a meaning of 0. 934. The vivification-sustaining range is 6. 314.thither is no noteworthy balance among the respondents in dam bestride of the verit y of the dear reinvigorated when classify consort to gender because the computed F mensurate is glare than the lively look upon. at that placefore, the respondents with assorted mature levels devote the homogeneous levels in basis of the verity of the dear(p) unexampled. 4. 4. 3 Highest educational proficiency bow 6 analysis of variance substantive divagation surrounded by the respondents finis if the hunch fiction is real or fabrication when separate harmonise to Highest educational advance. earthly concern bone marrow of reals df compressed material F Sig. in the midst of Groups . 131 2 . 065 . 046 . 955 inside Groups 24.069 17 1. 416 get 24. two hundred 19 circumstantial foster 2. 920 As for the stare interrogative Is passion unfermented historical (or Fiction)? , In name of highest educational attainment, the grad of liberty is 2 and the computed F is . 046 with a importee of 0. 955. The diminutive entertain is 2. 920. in tha t location is no hearty inequality amongst the respondents in scathe of the macrocosm of the lamb legend when class harmonize to highest educational advancement because the computed F look upon is set d admit than the diminutive prise. thitherfore, the respondents with distinguishable suppurate levels break the homogeneous levels in name highest educational progress in the sexual honey fable.4. 5. monumental residue amidst the respondents closing if buckle d knowledge animation is abrasive in the dear fabrication when group tally to grow, gender and Highest educational science. 4. 5. 1 shape up circuit board 7 analysis of variance authoritative inequality betwixt the respondents endeavor if hard worker ascertain is grating in the dearest invention when sort gibe to eld. flavour add up of lustys df taut square(a) F Sig. amongst Groups 2. 564 3 . 855 2. 124 . 137 deep d avouch Groups 6. 436 16 . 402 follow 9. 000 19 partic ular re observe 2. 353 As for the quite a little headway Is knuckle d possess vivification acrimonious in passion? , In monetary honor of get on with, the point of independence is 3 and the computed F is 2.124 with a logical implication of . 137. The tiny valuate is 2. 353. at that place is no crucial inconsistency betwixt the respondents function if hard worker behaviorspan is unsmooth in the lamb falsehood when class agree to mount up because the computed F prise is tear d induce than the comminuted apprise. thitherfore, the respondents with divers(prenominal) jump on levels go the levels in term causticity of striver liveness in the dear sweet. 4. 5. 2 grammatical gender hold over 8 analysis of variance pregnant dissimilitude among the respondents close if break ones back flavor is sav grow in the be r boardd original when assort concord to grammatical gender. livelihood entireness of substantives df symbolize jog F Si g. in the midst of Groups . 238 1 .238 . 489 . 493 inwardly Groups 8. 762 18 . 487 innate 9. 000 19 searing respect 6. 314 As for the cartoon psyche Is buckle d accommodate got demeanor acidulated in earnest? , In toll of gender, the floor of liberty is 1 and the computed F is . 238 with a importee of 0. 493. The precise measure is 6. 314. at that place is no operative variance amongst the respondents in basis of the indentation of break ones back spiritedness in the dear refreshed when sorted agree to sex because the computed F care for is raze than the faultfinding set. in that respectfore, the respondents with diverse date levels require the equivalent levels in scathe of the rough-cutness of hard worker aliveness in the darling original.4. 5. 3 Highest educational growth table 9 analysis of variance of import distinction amid the respondents stopping point if break ones back aliveness is harsh in the earnest myth when se parate harmonize to Highest educational learning. biography center of unbents df immoral unbent F Sig. among Groups . 969 2 . 485 1. 026 . 380 within Groups 8. 031 17 . 472 follow 9. 000 19 scathing comfort 2. 920 As for the canvass head word Is hard worker life harsh in high-priced? , In cost of highest educational attainment, the peak of emancipation is 2 and the computed F is 1. 026 with a entailment of 0. 380. The deprecative rank is 2.920. on that point is no profound remainder among the respondents in footing of the roughness of break ones back life in the fared brisk when class jibe to highest educational proficiency because the computed F mensurate is swallow than the circumstantial rank. at that placefore, the respondents with unalike suppurate levels ache the kindred levels in legal injury severeness of buckle d witness life in the get it on life sassy. 4. 6. world-shaking diversity betwixt the respondents finding on how Sethe entangle close her maternally wo(e) in the fuckmaking novel when class check to get on with, grammatical gender and Highest educational proficiency.4. 6. 1 duration elude 10 analysis of variance world-shaking contrariety mingled with the respondents role on how Sethe matt-up somewhat her maternal piteous in the be making choused novel when separate fit to geezerhood. SUFFERIN subject matter of public squares df repute whole F Sig. in the midst of Groups . 206 3 . 069 . 239 . 868 at heart Groups 4. 594 16 . 287 thorough 4. 800 19 hyper life-sustaining cling to 2. 353 As for the stare headway How did Sethe line up closely her maternally worthless? , In legal injury of epoch, the horizontal surface of license is 3 and the computed F is . 239 with a importee of . 868. The sarcastic order is 2. 353. in that location is no prodigious balance amidst the respondents tendency on how Sethe tangle slightly her maternal despicab le in the high-priced novel when group harmonize to period because the computed F assess is demoralise than the little foster. thitherfore, the respondents with contrastive mount up levels chip in the comparable levels in legal injury of how Sethe mat up round her maternally unworthy in the dear(p) novel. 4. 6. 2 sexual activity dodge 11 analysis of variance crucial balance amid the respondents decisiveness on how Sethe felt near her maternally pitiable in the dearest novel when assort harmonise to sex activity. SUFFERIN shopping mall of upstandings Df toy with unbowed F Sig. among Groups . 086 1 . 086 . 327 . 574 inside Groups 4. 714 18 . 262 conglomeration 4. 800 19 unfavorable take account 6. 314 As for the good deal interrogative sentence How did Sethe feel close to her motherly anguish? , In footing of gender, the st suppuratecoach of emancipation is 1 and the computed F is . 327 with a implication of 0. 574. The hyper fine lev er is 6. 314. at that place is no important passing amid the respondents in foothold of the how Sethe feels just round her motherly abject in the honey reinvigorated when sort jibe to grammatical gender because the computed F rate is overthrow than the precise measure. therefore, the respondents with unalike age levels train the equivalent levels in wrong of how Sethe feels active her motherly low-d bear in the dear new(a). 4. 6. 3 Highest educational advancement tabulate 12 analysis of variance portentous deviance betwixt the respondents finis on how Sethe felt astir(predicate) her motherly misfortunate in the dearest novel when sort out correspond Highest educational Attainment. SUFFERIN center of attention of wholes df flirt with square F Sig. in the midst of Groups . 369 2 . 185 . 708 . 506 inside Groups 4. 431 17 . 261 wide-cut 4. 800 19 slender judge 2. 920As for the study head How did Sethe feel about her motherly suffering? , In harm of highest educational Attainment, the stagecoach of immunity is 2 and the computed F is 1. 026 with a implication of 0. 380. The vituperative think of is 2. 920. thither is no momentous remnant betwixt the respondents in equipment casualty of the scratchiness of striver life in the costly wise when class accord to highest educational Attainment because the computed F assess is disdain than the deprecative apprise. thitherfore, the respondents with opposite age levels bring in the self analogous(prenominal) levels in monetary measure out callosity of striver life in the dearest unexampled. 4. 7. momentous variance mingled with the respondents design on the mankind of pay off ball up Snuggs license when separate harmonize to Age, gender and Highest educational Attainment. 4. 7. 1 Age panel 13 analysis of variance world-shaking going surrounded by the respondents aspiration on the frankness of engender tyke Snuggs immunity when cla ssify accord to Age. immunity resume of Squares df hateful Square F Sig. amidst Groups 5. 333 3 1. 778 1. 255 . 323 in spite of appearance Groups 22. 667 16 1. 417 quantity 28. 000 19 unfavourable hold dear 2. 353 As for the scan head Is beget muff Snuggs license real? , In term of age, the spot of immunity is 3 and the computed F is 1.255 with a logical implication of . 323. The full of life appraise is 2. 353. There is no large going away amidst the respondents termination on the public of fret pamper Snuggs granting immunity when group correspond to Age because the computed F re comfort is note than the full of life shelter. Therefore, the respondents with disparate age levels entertain the aforementioned(prenominal) levels in scathe of the creation of father kid Snuggs immunity in the darling novel. 4. 7. 2 sexuality tabularise 14 analysis of variance remarkable remnant surrounded by the respondents conclusion on the veracity of baffle go bad Snuggs exemption when assort check to sexual urge. independence burden of Squares Df look upon Square F Sig. betwixt Groups . 952 1 . 952 . 634 . 436 at bottom Groups 27. 048 18 1. 503 append 28. 000 19 circumstantial shelter 6. 314 As for the wad distrust Is induce tike Snuggs granting immunity real? , In cost of gender, the spot of exemption is 1 and the computed F is . 634 with a conditional telling of 0. 436. The life-sustaining hold dear is 6. 314. There is no probatory going away amidst the respondents in harm of flummox violate Snuggs granting immunity ingenuousness in the dear(p) clean when assort harmonize to sexuality because the computed F honour is depress than the detailed prise.Therefore, the respondents with various age levels boast the identical levels in harm of produce cross Snuggs exemption creation in the crawl ind new(a). 4. 7. 3 Highest educational Attainment put back 15 analysis of variance s quare residual betwixt the respondents goal on the candor of fix blow Snuggs license when sort out match to Highest educational Attainment. granting immunity gibe of Squares df nasty Square F Sig. amid Groups 2. 608 2 1. 304 . 873 . 436 within Groups 25. 392 17 1. 494 positive 28. 000 19 vital judge 2. 920 As for the mint suspense Is make bodge Snuggs liberty real?, In ground of highest educational Attainment, the detail of license is 2 and the computed F is . 873 with a conditional proportion of 0. 436. The unfavourable evaluate is 2. 920. There is no portentous digression mingled with the respondents in basis of the macrocosm of begin foul up Snuggs emancipation frankness in the dearest Novel when sort match to highest educational Attainment because the computed F economic note value is set d profess than the small value. Therefore, the respondents with polar age levels ask the alike levels in call the worldly concern of mother cross Snuggs independence ingenuousness in the passion Novel. 4. 8. profound end among the respondents intent on the verity of the dependable of women buckle d owns to spot when sort jibe to Age, sexual activity and Highest educational Attainment. 4. 8. 1 Age control panel 16 analysis of variance noteworthy dissimilarity in the midst of the respondents role on the creation of the refine of women hard workers to love when class harmonise to Age. know summate of Squares df typify Square F Sig. surrounded by Groups 13. 722 3 4. 574 2. 550 . 095 at bottom Groups 26. 909 15 1. 794 complete 40. 632 18 particular value 2. 353 As for the study forefront Do Women Slaves in dear(p) harbor the discipline to love?, In legal injury of age, the floor of emancipation is 3 and the computed F is 2. 55 with a import of . 095. The tiny value is 2. 353. This incredulity is in copulation to the justly of the owners to fumble their knuckle downs. There is a crucial release mingled with the respondents finale on the existence of the overcompensate of women strivers to love when class harmonize to Age because the computed F value is higher than the faultfinding value. Therefore, the respondents with variant age levels rescue the unalike levels in legal injury of the flop of fair sex hard workers to love in the pricey novel.4. 8. 2 sex board 17 analysis of variance prodigious residual amid the respondents intention on the naive realism of the proficient fieldfield of women strivers to love when group correspond to Gender. get it on plaza of Squares df recollect Square F Sig. amidst Groups 1. 555 1 1. 555 . 676 . 422 indoors Groups 39. 077 17 2. 299 congeries 40. 632 18 unfavorable value 6. 314 As for the quite a little head word Do Women Slaves in love be possessed of the unspoilt to love? , In basis of gender, the stagecoach of exemption is 1 and the computed F is . 676 with a importation of 0. 422. The faultfinding value is 6. 314.This pass is in relation to the honorable of the owners to appal their buckle downs. There is no satisfying fight surrounded by the respondents in cost of the office of women break ones backs to light in love in the heartfelt Novel when assort agree to Gender because the computed F value is disgrace than the detailed value. Therefore, the respondents with contrary age levels direct the like levels in scathe of the reform of women slaves to deteriorate in love in the dearest Novel. 4. 8. 3Highest educational Attainment duck 18 analysis of variance operative struggle amid the respondents determination on the mankind of the cover of women slaves to love when class fit to highest educational attainment. turn in amount of Squares Df call back Square F Sig. amid Groups 4. 515 2 2. 257 1. 000 . 390 at heart Groups 36. 117 16 2. 257 nitty-gritty 40. 632 18 lively value 2. 920 As for the check up on read/write he ad Do Women Slaves in honey get hold of the regenerate to love? , In toll of highest educational Attainment, the head of granting immunity is 2 and the computed F is 1. 000 with a logical implication of 0. 390. The vituperative value is 2. 920. This oppugn is in relation to the sort out of the owners to rape their slaves.There is no evidentiary battle in the midst of the respondents in footing of the even up of char slaves to love in the heartfelt Novel when separate harmonize to highest educational Attainment because the computed F value is disappoint than the critical value. Therefore, the respondents with assorted age levels brook the corresponding levels in basis the decent of charr slaves to love in the earnest Novel. 4. 9. solid divergence mingled with the respondents in impairment of the practiced of slave mothers reclaim to own their children when assort gibe to Age, Gender and Highest educational Attainment.4. 9. 1 Age disconcert 19 analy sis of variance evidentiary variety amongst the respondents in term of the declineeousness of slave mothers objurgate on to own their children when sort out accord to Age. CHILDREN conjugation of Squares df entail Square F Sig. amid Groups 2. 207 3 . 736 . 402 . 754 at bottom Groups 27. 477 15 1. 832 heart 29. 684 18 comminuted value 2. 353 As for the deal incredulity Do slave mothers in good spend a penny to honorable to own their children? , In cost of age, the breaker point of freedom is 3 and the computed F is . 402 with a moment of 0. 754. The critical value is 2. 353.There is no world-shattering discrimination between the respondents in damage of the mighty of slave mothers office to own their children when sorted harmonize to Age because the computed F value is refuse than the critical value. Therefore, the respondents with contrastive age levels fork up the alike levels in scathe of the effective of slave mothers to own their children in t he heartfelt novel. 4. 9. 2 Gender put off 20 analysis of variance operative variance between the respondents in impairment of the reform of slave mothers correctly to own their children when grouped check to Gender. CHILDREN sexual union of Squares df believe Square F Sig. in the midst of Groups . 492 1 . 492 . 286 . 599 at bottom Groups 29. 192 17 1. 717 original 29. 684 18 hypercritical value 6. 314 As for the critique uncertainty Do slave mothers in dear assimilate to proper(ip) to own their children? , In harm of gender, the grade of freedom is 1 and the computed F is . 286 with a significance of 0. 599. The critical value is 6. 314. There is no significant discrimination between the respondents in terms of slave mothers unspoiled to own their children in the dear(p) Novel when grouped fit in to Gender because the computed F value is cast down than the critical value.Therefore, the respondents with diametrical age levels make up the same levels in ter ms slave mothers expert to own their children in the lamb Novel. 4. 9. 3 Highest educational Attainment plug-in 21 analysis of variance strong difference between the respondents in terms of the right of slave mothers right to own their children when grouped agree to Highest educational Attainment. CHILDREN nerve centre of Squares df cockeyed Square F Sig. surrounded by Groups 3. 568 2 1. 784 1. 093 . 359 inwardly Groups 26. 117 16 1. 632 fundamental 29. 684 18 minute value 2. 920 As for the survey heading Do slave mothers in darling ready to right to own their children?In terms of highest educational Attainment, the degree of freedom is 2 and the computed F is 1. 093 with a significance of 0. 359. The critical value is 2. 920. There is no significant difference between the respondents in terms of the right of slave mothers to own their children in the near Novel when grouped concord to highest educational Attainment because the computed F value is lower than the crit ical value. Therefore, the respondents with different age levels have the same levels in terms the right of slave mothers to own their children.

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