Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Getting Emotional Essay Essay

There was a time that I had a conversation with a virtuoso who is a foreigner and knew very bittie close to the cultures in the United States. He was basically biased against the black charge or the African-American racetracks and spoke about them in a very knowing manner. He believed that the black race in America is closely composed of thugs and criminals who atomic number 18 dirty and cannot live the way most white Americans do. Although I didnt simply argue with him, I tranquillise did to depart his beliefs and perceptions on the black race and fortunately, I succeeded.I first started out by pick outing him the harsh realities that most of the throng from this race used to face and are still facing today such(prenominal) as difference at work, education, and drill among others. I also pointed out that on that point are a lot of stories produce in major newspapers that show that discrimination against people from other races and cultures are still present today . I shared with him stories of an cracking student from a public amply school who was allegedly not disposed a scholarship simply because he is black.I also told him of certain cases wherein workers are not given the bonuses and benefits that are overdue to them because they belong to the black race. In short, I first tried to spring him read with the plight of the black race and I believe I was successful in doing so. more(prenominal)over, I also told him that since he is an Asian, he too, can also be discriminated against. More importantly, I emphasized to him that these black people are also human beings scarce like everybody else and therefore, they should be treated the akin way white Americans are treated. later our conversation, my friend agreed me with and told me that he would be careful with his perceptions about the black race from now on. Based on my persuasive methods, it can be deduced that the most sound way to convince people or audiences to change their sta nd or views on a certain issue is to tell them real life stories that they can stir with. These true to life stories can incorporate the essence of ones arguments and make ones claims more credible.

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