Tuesday, July 23, 2019

E-Commerce Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

E-Commerce Law - Essay Example It should be noted that everybody values their privacy very much and the effort to disturb privacy is prevented by different laws in different countries. Spam or bulk emails sent as part of marketing without taking the consent of the public is definitely a privacy intrusion. Many countries already started efforts to regulate spam by implementing suitable laws. European Union has recently implemented comprehensive laws to regulate spam. The EU Directive 2002/58/EC on the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector deals with direct marketing via email and other electronic means. The Directive requires prior consent before email is sent to the recipient unless there is already an ongoing relationship with the consumer. The Directive does not apply to legal persons however; Member states are free to extend the legislation to cover legal persons (Please provide proper citation). Advertising is an essential activity in the business world. No product or services can be effectively sold in the market without proper advertising. In other words, advertising is the basic right of the product manufacturers and service providers. At the same time, consumers or general public also have some basic rights. Privacy is a basic right of the ordinary people. Advertisers can conduct advertising activities as long as they stay away for violating the privacy rights of the ordinary people. In short, spam or bulk emails sent to the public without taking consent can be considered as illegal because of privacy violation. According to the spam regulation laws in UK, electronic mail marketing messages should not be sent to individuals without their permission. Both the sender and the recipient should agree each other for sending and receiving bulk emails. UK laws with respect to spam have lot of loopholes. It allows senders to send marketing mails to an existing customer. In other

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